Blanket Safe Blog Posts
Horse Blanket Wash: but wait, there's more...
"I don't wash my own horse blankets"...I hear that a lot, but there is more to Blanket Safe than meets the eye. While many horse blanket washes set limitations on what you can wash, how you can wash, and frankly never give you the results you're looking for, Blanket Safe horse blanket wash is different. It's NOT "just" for horse blankets (insert mind-blown emoji here)! -
How to Wash Your Horse Blanket and Horse Gear.
We are often asked about different ways to use Blanket Safe for washing horse blankets, and how to get the best results. Can Blanket Safe wash ligh... -
Barn Chores Are Never Done
Thanks to the Coronavirus, us barn rats are over here continuing to practice social distancing. However, some of us have some extra time on our ... -
Women in Equestrian Business - Teal Shoop
After a quick, yet busy holiday season, we are excited to get back to some of these amazing women behind the equestrian brands. The first woman we... -
Free Refill to help the Environment We are excited to announce that our first initiative for 2020 is to help the environment. RugSafe USA, llc ... -
Women in Business - Melodie Weintraut
I am so excited to feature this next amazing boss lady in our Women in Equestrian Business post. Melodie Weintraut, like myself is a mom, a girlfr... -
Welcome to Blanket Safe 2020
Well friends, I guess we are officially full steam ahead into the new year! So welcome to Blanket Safe 2020! You may have noticed that during the... -
Our Amazing Ambassadors!
Meet the Ambassadors I’m a horse enthusiast living out a childhood dream of having a small horse farm. I am a new mom and juggling being a good ... -
A Practical Gift Guide For Equestrians
If you are reading this, you must be looking for some practical gifts for your favorite Equestrians! The holidays are right around the corner, eve...