Inspirational and Motivational Quotes for Equestians


Hey there barn friend, 

I am so excited that you decided to hop back on here for another one of my epic blog posts (said very sarcastically), but still...this may be a good one. Let's dive into some quotes for us equestrians, to help motivate and encourage us through all the training, good times, and tough times. If you have been following us on the instagram you know that we post a weekly (I try) quote or affirmation to help me (or you) get through the day, the week, the month. 

I started doing this because it was how I was feeling at that moment, but slowly started getting DM after DM or message after message on how that quote or affirmation that day was important to others. How that was "really what I needed today", so I wanted to take it one step further and start to compile them. 

This blog post you see here today, will likely not be the same from the same one next month or next year. I will continuously add to this post the quotes that I post on instagram and facebook. Also, please make sure you join that community of Barn Friends, it is a place where I will also show you some behind the scenes...don't get me wrong, I am pretty introverted (understatement of the year, but I'm working on it). I just would love to see you over there, virtually meet you, and follow along on your horse, animal, life journey with you. 

So, here we go...quotes to get you amazing equestrians motivated or through your day. Expect to see a mix, love, encouragement, a hug. There will likely be ones on loss too, we face it not only with people but with our animals too. So embrace them all, feel free to share, and until we talk again...stay safe, stay you, and have an amazing ride. 

Love laura and Ham. Blanket Safe signature
Blanket Safe Quotes and Affirmations for Equestrians
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Blanket Safe Equestrian Quotes and Affirmations for motivation
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Blanket Safe Inspirational Quotes for Equestrians and Horse Lovers

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